Report 189

Sage 200 Reports: Purchase Ledger

Sage 200 Reports: Sales Ledger

Report 189   Price £49

S/L Receipt Transactions Linked to Allocations

See report # 188 for a P/L version of this report.


Receipt transactions with transaction dates that do not match their allocation dates are reported.

A run time option allows to choose if the linked allocations are to be displayed.

Ideal to show what sale receipt allocations are preventing a retrospective Aged Debtors agreeing with the Purchase Ledger’s Nominal control account.


Transaction Date

Show Allocations (No or Yes)

Allocation Date Range

RR-189 Sales Allocations
RR-188 Purchase Allocations - DET

Designed to output to

Printer (& PDF) – Y    

Excel – N    


To purchase this report please contact your Sage 200 Business Partner or email to send in your inquiry or purchase order.