Sage 200 Reports: Price Book
Report 179b Price £99
Universal and Limited Price Bands against Customers grouped by Stock Item. (v2019)
Sold together with report # 179a at no extra cost
Sage have now introduced a second price band feature linked to customer accounts under the <Pricing> tab..
Because it is possible to add multiple limited Price Bands. This new report helps identify if the same stock item for a customer has been linked to two or more limited Price Bands + This would create a conflict on the system as only one of the linked price bands could be used to override the universal price band.
This new report has been grouped by Stock Item rather than Product Group/Stock Item.
Selected customers are not individually identified, Use the criteria – Customer IS option to return for a specific customer.
This new report is based on the new 2019 version of the Sage software.
Item Code
P/Grp. Code
Price Band
Time Based
RR 179 - Price List (Base Prices) - 2plus
RR 179 - Price List (Base Prices) -All
Designed to output to
Printer (& PDF) – Y
Excel – N
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