Sage 200 Reports: Sales Ledger
Report 111 Price £99
CONSOLIDATED Sales Ledger Statement (Single) – HO, Branch and Independent
Although the Sales Ledger account has settings to send statements as an independent, branch or head office it is not possible with the standard layout to consolidate all the branch accounts onto the single head office statement.
This highly modified layout can be mapped to either the Statement’s Paper Primary or Paper Alternate report key under the Choose Layouts option.
If a sales account is set to independent the layout will report back as normal.
If the sales accounts are marked as Head Office or Branch the layout will consolidate all the related accounts on to a single statement addressed to the Head Office and listed under headings for each related sales account showing the total outstanding for each account. If the Head Office account is also used to record transactions the Head Office account is also listed within the consolidated statement
As standard Sage layout
Head office report
Branch report
Designed to output to
Printer (& PDF) – Y
Excel – N
To purchase this report please contact your Sage 200 Business Partner or email to send in your inquiry or purchase order.