Report 102

Sage 200 Reports: Purchase Ledger

Report 102   Price 199

Supplier Turnover – TOP Suppliers


The standard Sage trading report that has been adapted to sort the selected column in to DESCENDING sequence so the highest value is at the TOP.

However, this report has some additional criteria to select the number of suppliers to be reported back.

The number of suppliers is then set as a COUNT or as a PERCENTAGE.

After the selected suppliers have been listed  the report will show the grand totals of the reported suppliers and then a grand total for the non-reported suppliers.

A grand total for all supplier accounts is also shown.


Sort Sequence

Number of Accounts to Display

# is Count or Percentage

View sample report

Designed to output to

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Excel – Y    


To purchase this report please contact your Sage 200 Business Partner or email to send in your inquiry or purchase order.