Sage 200 Reports: Sales Ledger
Report 107 Price £199
S/L Aged Debtors Report – All in One and with MEMO details available (if required)
The standard Sage Aged Debtors report has two menu options. A report can run be run for either Detailed or Summary and both are in Account Number sequence.
Many users also have copies of the reports amended to sort the accounts by Short Name (Alpha) sequence.
This new report combines all the four options as detailed above and then also offers the option to display the linked ACTIVE Memo data.
In addition to the standard Sage 200 Aged Debtors reports criteria this report also has run time criteria to select;
Sort Sequence
Detailed or Summary
Show Account CREDIT Memo (Tick Box)
Show Account Memos (Tick Box)
Show Transaction Memos (Tick Box)
Detailed report
Summary report
Designed to output to
Printer (& PDF) – Y
Excel – N
To purchase this report please contact your Sage 200 Business Partner or email to send in your inquiry or purchase order.