Sage 200 Reports: Stock Control
Report 113 Price £199
Predicted Stock Levels
The report reports back in column format the current stock and the total expected IN and OUT movements in the current and future weeks to show the expected quantity in stock at the end of each week.
The columns are the week as entered plus the three future weeks and a ‘catch all’ column to account for all future dates not captured in the previous three,
The report defaults to display the output in a format that exports neatly in to Excel.
Change the default to print the report and the output preview more presentable for the printed page.
As the standard Sage Stock Levels report plus two additional criteria;
W/C (Monday)
Print Report (Tick for Yes)
Print view report
Excel view report
Designed to output to
Printer (& PDF) – Y
Excel – Y
To purchase this report please contact your Sage 200 Business Partner or email to send in your inquiry or purchase order.